Legal Notice
Tagoro Dive, located at Calle Lajial 7, 38917 El Hierro (Canary Islands), can be contacted for any inquiries regarding this website or its services at +34 662921370 and/or via email at The domain is owned by Tagoro Dive.
Who We Are
The site where you are currently located is the interactive space created by Tagoro Dive to provide more information about its products and services. Like any website, we have terms of use and a privacy policy. We want to provide an engaging and fun complement for promoting our products and services; however, no direct selling of products takes place on this page.
Website Properties and Usage Restrictions
This website is owned by Tagoro Dive. All trademarks, domain names, and other intellectual property rights are owned by Tagoro Dive. Therefore, no content from it may be transferred, copied, reproduced, published, uploaded, sent, transmitted, distributed, or exploited in any way, except for using the website and its content for its intended purpose. You may download and make strictly private copies, but no other use beyond these terms is permitted. Violating these terms will constitute a violation of Tagoro Dive's copyright and other proprietary rights. Modifying and using the content for purposes other than those permitted here also violates Tagoro Dive's copyright and other proprietary rights. Using the content on any other website or computer network is prohibited under these terms of use.
Free Nature of the Website
Apart from the user's personal use in telematic communication, the use of this website is free of charge. That is, we do not directly sell our products through this medium, and the website is used for entertainment and participation purposes related to promotions, events, or contests where users can only win the incentives specified in each promotional action.
These terms of use will remain in effect as long as they remain unchanged on the website. Tagoro Dive reserves the right to alter, modify, or delete them at any time, with such changes being posted on the website itself.
Exclusion of Warranties
Tagoro Dive has made every effort to ensure the quality of this website and its contents, expressly guaranteeing user participation in the information and services offered. However, due to the characteristics of the Internet itself, Tagoro Dive does not guarantee the content included on the website, nor the availability and continuity of its operation, the repair of failures, or the absence of viruses or other harmful elements on the website or its server, despite our constant efforts to prevent any such contingencies. Tagoro Dive is not responsible for the use of the content on this website.
Limitation of Liability
Due to the above conditions and the peculiarities of the Internet medium, Tagoro Dive will not be liable under any circumstances, including negligence, for damages of any kind that may arise from the use or inability to use the materials on this website, even if Tagoro Dive or any authorized representative of Tagoro Dive has been advised of the possibility of such damages beforehand. Tagoro Dive's liability to the user for all damages and losses, including but not limited to negligence, shall not exceed the amount paid by the user for accessing this website.
Tagoro Dive has no control over who may access its website or where they may be located. Users of this website, as well as Tagoro Dive, expressly waive their own jurisdiction and submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Madrid for any conflict or claim relating to this website.